1100 Brown Street, Dayton, OH  937-829-5947


2440 Dayton Xenia Rd F, Beavercreek, OH 45434

Meet a Teacher: Leona Banks

How did yoga become a part of your life?  

Yoga became part of Leona's life when she threw her back out rocking her daughter when she was 4 months old and Leona knew she needed to make some changes. Yoga was the only exercise that she enjoyed and was able to stick too. Leona begun her yoga practice watching YouTube videos for almost a year and then her first class at a studio was in the Day Yoga Teacher Training 2014 


What do you think are the biggest misconception people have about yoga? 

Leona feels the biggest misconception people have about yoga is that it is easy or that there is a yoga stereotype. She has met such an amazingly diverse group of people through the yoga community. 


What is the pose that challenges you most? Why do you think it challenges you? 

The pose that challenges Leona the most is handstand. She goes onto say that finding balance during a chaotic time in her life is what she struggled with the most. 


If you had to pick one mantra to share with your students, what would it be? 

If Leona had to pick one mantra to share with your students she would share Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu which means: May all beings find truth, love, joy and be free from suffering. And may the thoughts, words, and actions in my own life in some way contribute to that. 

Leona is such a valuable part of the Day Yoga community In addition to teaching public classes that are listed below she also has been teaching the women at the Montgomery County jail the past year through the Day Yoga Community Outreach Program. 

Catch a class with Leona Gentle Yoga 9:30-10:45am Tuesday's Vandalia Hot Vinyasa 4:15-5:15pm Tuesday's Brown Street Restorative Yoga Nidra 7:15-8:30pm Thursday's Brown Street 

Ready to Take Your Practice to the Next Level? Learn About Our Teacher Training Program

Teacher training is not just for teachers! Anyone who wants to deepen their practice and knowledge is invited to apply.