1100 Brown Street, Dayton, OH 45409


2440 Dayton Xenia Rd F, Beavercreek, OH 45434

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Aromatherapy Sanctuary Certification Program - Level 1

Our Aromatherapy Certification Program includes 50 hours of training, taught by Elizabeth Hulsman, Certified Clinical Master Aromatherapist, level 3 member of National Holistic Association of Aromatherapy. Our school is approved by National Holistic Association of Aromatherapy, a leading governing body for national educational standards for Aromatherapists.

Informational video for this program: click here

Our Aromatherapy Certification Program includes 50 hours of training, taught by Elizabeth Hulsman, Certified Clinical Master Aromatherapist, level 3 member of National Holistic Association of Aromatherapy. Our school is approved by National Holistic Association of Aromatherapy, a leading governing body for national educational standards for Aromatherapists.



Course Overview

Our curriculum includes activities, videos and books, as well as hands on training for case studies that will enhance your experience and intuition as an Aromatherapist. Students receive manuals and written work, in addition to hands on in classroom training. Students have the opportunity to practice case studies in classroom using classmates as “clients” and to learn and see the best ways to apply oils from practicing aromatherapists. We will cover a variety of topics relating to Aromatherapy, essential oils, science and business. Students will gain a general knowledge of the following and may continue on to our Level II training to become clinical aromatherapist:




Essential Oil Study

History of Essential Oils

Safety and Contraindications

Methods of Extraction

Quality of Oils

Methods of Absorption

Anatomy and Physiology

Carrier Oils

Methods of Application

Alternative Medicine


Essential Oil Chemistry






Become knowledgeable in the therapeutic use of essential oils, to help individuals on their healing journeys.


Obtain a clear understanding and knowledge of what essential oils can do and what they cannot do.


Gain confidence in using essential oils to help people improve their health.


Enhance your current career through using essential oils ( a great addition to massage therapy, yoga, healthcare, teachers etc.)


Understand the intuitive and energetic nature of essential oils and feel confident choosing oils


This is an entry-level, in-depth class, open to all learners. No previous Aromatherapy training is required.


Classes meet one weekend a month on Saturdays & Sundays 8am-2pm 






February 15-16

March 15-16

April 12-13

May 17-18

June 7-8


Upon completion of this program students may:

Enhance an existing healthcare practice through the use of essential oils.


Use essential oils for personal growth, self care, and alternative medicine.


Graduates of this course have the option to go on to continue in our Level II training for certification as a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist. Students who complete level II may choose to own essential oil retail businesses, web retail stores, therapeutic product lines and holistic and alternative medicine consultation services.

Requirements for Aromatherapy Certification


In order to receive certification from Aromatherapy Sanctuary, and call themselves Certified Aromatherapists, students must:


Complete all elements of the Aromatherapy Professional Certification


Complete a Final Exam


Pay tuition in full. If you paid with a payment plan, your payments must be completed to receive your certification.


Cost: $649 if registered and paid in full by February 1st 2025; $749 thereafter.


*Payment plan option is available: $200 to reserve your spot then $162.25 drafted each month on the 1st of the month until payment of $849 is met. Contact the studio to enroll in the payment plan.




*There is a $200 non-refundable deposit built into the cost of this training. No refunds will be issued within 14 start days.

Ready to Take Your Practice to the Next Level? Learn About Our Teacher Training Program

Teacher training is not just for teachers! Anyone who wants to deepen their practice and knowledge is invited to apply.